Ferry from Amorgos to Santorini

Tickets & Schedules

The direct ferry route Amorgos-Santorini is a seasonal one, normally lasting from 1,5 hours to 4 hours and the ticket cost starts from 12€. Check our summary with the latest data for ferries.
Amorgos Santorini Trip frequency: Every day First trip: 08:00 Last trip: 15:40 Average duration: 2h 17m Price range: 12.30 € - 59.50 €

Is there a ferry from Amorgos to Santorini?

There is at least 1 ferry crossing per day by 2 ferry companies between Amorgos and Santorini. This is usually a seasonal route but you can compare information and check real-time data on our fare search engine. The ferry companies that usually operate on the Amorgos-Santorini line are Seajets and Small Cyclades Lines. There is also the option to travel indirectly from Amorgos to Santorini via Naxos

How long is the ferry ride from Amorgos to Santorini?

The ferry ride can be from 1,5 hours to 4 hours depending on the vessel and weather conditions. 

How much is the ferry from Amorgos to Santorini?

The cost of a single ferry ticket can be around 12€ with a conventional ferry and around 50€ with a high-speed one. The price can change according to reductions, offers, or seat type.

What's the ferry schedule from Amorgos to Santorini?

In the summer months, there is usually 1 direct ferry crossing per day. The earliest ferry usually departs at around 08.00 and the latest around 15.00-16.00. In the winter months, you can travel indirectly by ferry from Amorgos to Naxos and then from Naxos to Santorini. 

What's the distance between Amorgos and Santorini?

The distance between Amorgos and Santorini is approximately 48 nautical miles (around 90 km). 

Am I allowed to travel from Amorgos to Santorini?

Yes, traveling between Greek destinations is currently allowed. For the latest information on COVID-19 and ferry traveling in Greece please visit our relevant FAQ pages. 

Where can I book ferry tickets from Amorgos to Santorini?

On Ferryhopper you can find all available ferry schedules in the Amorgos-Santorini route and book your ferry tickets online at the best prices

Ferries departing and arriving at the port of Santorini, Athinios, blue sea, Thirassia island

Ferries at Athinios port, in Santorini. Right opposite the port you can see the volcanic island of Nea Kameni. 

Useful tips for your ferry trip from Amorgos to Santorini

  1. Ferries to Santorini usually depart from the port of Katapola in Amorgos.
  2. The port of Katapola is located 6 km (12 minutes drive) from Chora and 25 km (40 minutes drive) from the port of Aegiali in Amorgos. 
  3. We recommend arriving at the port at least 45 minutes prior to your ferry departure. 
  4. The Amorgos-Santorini route is a popular one and ticket availability can be limited in high season. So make sure you book in advance your ferry tickets. 
  5. It is possible that some of the ferries that operate on this route cannot carry vehicles. We recommend arranging a car/moto rental in Santorini in advance. 
  6. Sometimes weather conditions can affect the duration of this ferry ride. If you get seasick, make sure to carry with you anti-nausea pills or ask the ferry crew for an aspirin.
  7. For tips and information on Santorini holidays and what to do there, visit our relevant destination page. 
  8. The port of Santorini, Athinios can get extra busy in high season. Check our survival guide for Athinios Port to be prepared for your trip. 
  9. We suggest that for the summer period you book your accommodation in Santorini at least 3-4 months in advance. 
  10. Santorini is also an ideal option for island-hopping in the Greek islands! Check our Ferry map, and discover all connections to nearby islands. 

Daily ferries from Amorgos to Santorini