Ferry from Nice to Golfo Aranci (Sardinia)

Tickets, Prices & Schedules

Did you know that you can travel from France to Sardinia by ferry? Find real-time information about the Nice - Golfo Aranci itinerary on Ferryhopper, compare prices, timetables and crossings, and book your ferry tickets to Sardinia without any hidden fees.

Ferry schedules

Nice Golfo Aranci Trip frequency: 4 days per week First trip: 18:00 Last trip: 23:30 Average duration: 11h 7m Price range: 39.00 € - 283.00 €
Golfo Aranci Nice Trip frequency: Once per week First trip: 07:00 Last trip: 07:00 Average duration: 8h 45m Price range: 34.00 € - 87.00 €
Ferry companies CORSICA FERRIES

Is there a ferry from Nice to Golfo Aranci (Sardinia)?

Yes, you can travel from Nice to Golfo Aranci, as there are ferry connections operated by Corsica Ferries. Ferries are available 1-4 times per week, but keep in mind that there are times when the route is not active.

What’s the ferry schedule from Nice to Golfo Aranci

The first ferry departs from the port of Nice at around 18:00, arriving in Golfo Aranci at noon the next day. The last departure is usually scheduled for 22:30, arriving at the port of Golfo Aranci at 14:30 the following day.

Important: ferry timetables may change depending on the days the Nice - Golfo Arancy route is available. Make sure to always check our search engine for real-time information before planning your trip.

Ferry Tickets, Offers & Discounts

How much is the ferry from Nice to Golfo Aranci?

The price of a standard Nice - Golfo Aranci ferry ticket starts at €28-37 and may be increased in the high season. The final cost varies depending on seasonality, accommodation and vehicle selection.


On Ferryhopper, you can discover the best available offers for the connection you’re interested in. Find real-time information about our ferry routes, compare prices and offers, and book cheap ferry tickets on Ferryhopper easily and quickly.


Toddlers can travel from Nice to Golfo Aranci for free. There are also discount tickets for children and natives/residents of Sardinia throughout the year.

Ferry Route Info

How long is the ferry ride from Nice to Golfo Aranci?

The duration of the Nice - Golfo Aranci ferry crossing varies between 16 and 18 hr, depending on the type of vessel you’ve chosen.

Is there a high-speed ferry from Nice to Golfo Aranci?

The connections from Nice to Golfo Aranci are also operated by fast ferries. The fastest ferry itinerary lasts about 16 hr.

What’s the distance between Nice and Golfo Aranci?

The distance between Nice and Golfo Aranci is 192 nautical miles (about 355 km).

Ferry Trip Tips

Useful tips for your ferry trip to Golfo Aranci from Nice

Here are some travel tips for your ferry trip from Nice to Golfo Aranci:

  • In the high season, we recommend arriving early at the port of Nice to avoid delays and overcrowding, especially if you’re bringing along your vehicle.
  • We recommend booking a cabin for a more comfortable trip to Sardinia, as ferries usually travel at night.
  • Getting around Sardinia by car is the most convenient way to explore the island. You can also bring along your camper from Nice to Golfo Aranci and plan an exciting camper vacation in Sardinia.
  • Since the Nice - Golfo Aranci route is occasionally available, consider taking a look at the itinerary from Nice to Porto Torres and choose the crossing to Sardinia that best suits your needs.
  • Take a look at the latest updates on Covid-19 and ferry travel in Italy, including all the documents required for your Nice - Golfo Aranci ferry trip.

Where to take the ferry from Nice to Golfo Aranci

Ferries to Porto Torres from Nice leave from the maritime station located in the Quay of Commerce. The port of Nice is close to the city center, and you can easily get there by bus from the train station.

At the port, there is also a free shuttle service that allows you to move around the area easily and conveniently.

Can I travel on the Nice to Golfo Aranci ferry with a car?

Yes, you can embark your vehicle on the ferries that operate on the Nice - Golfo Aranci route.

Ferry luggage

Corsica Ferries allows passengers to carry a single piece of hand luggage with maximum dimensions of 200x100x50 cm for free.


The ferries operating on the Nice - Golfo Aranci route offer different types of cabins: internal, external (with windows), suites and accessible cabins.

Pet travel

When it comes to traveling to Golfo Aranci by ferry, you can bring along your pet. Make sure to fill out the appropriate information as you book your tickets. In public spaces, pets must be accompanied by their owner, preferably on a leash or in a pet carrier. You can also book a special pet-friendly cabin.

Tip: for more information regarding documents and pet travel, we suggest that you contact the ferry operator.

Book cheap ferry tickets from Nice to Golfo Aranci

On Ferryhopper, you can book ferry tickets to Golfo Aranci from Nice easily and quickly! Find all ferries from Nice to Golfo Aranci on our Map of ferries and book ferry tickets hassle-free!