Ferry from Salerno to Minori

Tickets, Prices & Schedules

Ferries between Salerno and Minori operate all year round. Find all info about routes, schedules and prices, and book ferry tickets to the Amalfi Coast on Ferryhopper with no hidden fees!

Ferry schedules

Salerno Minori Trip frequency: Every day First trip: 09:00 Last trip: 18:00 Average duration: 51m Price range: 8.00 € - 9.00 €
Minori Salerno Trip frequency: Every day First trip: 09:15 Last trip: 19:25 Average duration: 51m Price range: 8.00 € - 9.00 €

Is there a ferry from Salerno to Minori?

Yes, you can catch a ferry from Salerno to Minori year-round. There are usually 1 to 6 daily departures and the ferry companies that operate on this route are Grassi Junior (year-round) and Travelmar (April to late October).

Please note that ferry timetables are subject to change depending on the season. You can check real-time schedules and ferry ticket prices for the Salerno - Minori crossing on Ferryhopper.

What’s the ferry schedule from Salerno to Minori?

The earliest ferry usually departs from Salerno at 09:00 and arrives in Minori at 09:50. The latest departure from Salerno is usually at 18:00.

Useful info: usually, in July and August, a night ferry leaves Salerno at 20:30 and stops in Cetara, Minori, Amalfi, and Positano. The return trip to Salerno is usually at 23:50, departing from Minori at 23:20.

Ferry Tickets, Offers & Discounts

How much is the ferry from Salerno to Minori?

The cost of a single ferry ticket starts from €8-€9


On Ferryhopper, you can find all available offers for the ferry trip to Minori from Salerno. Find real-time information about our ferry routes, compare fares and offers, and book your ferry tickets on Ferryhopper at the best price.


Take advantage of the available discounts and travel by ferry from Salerno to Minori with lower-cost ferry tickets. The ferry companies offer discounts to the following passenger categories:

  • Children up to 10 years old
  • Toddlers
  • Large groups of travelers
  • Residents of the Municipalities of the Amalfi Coast

Note: infants up to 2-3 years old travel for free and without seat assignment.

Ferry Route Info

How long is the ferry ride from Salerno to Minori?

The Salerno to Minori ferry duration is approximately 45-55 min.

Is there a high-speed ferry from Salerno to Minori?

The route from Salerno to Minori is operated only by high-speed boats.

What’s the distance between Salerno and Minori?

The distance between the port of Salerno and Minori is 7 nautical miles (around 12 km).

Ferry Trip Tips

Useful tips for your ferry trip to Minori from Salerno

Here are some travel tips for your trip from Salerno to Minori:

  • We recommend that you arrive at the port of Salerno at least 1.5 hr before your ferry trip, especially in July and August.
  • In case of hazardous weather conditions, ferry services are usually suspended. Please make sure to always consult with the company you are traveling with.
  • Still unsure whether to take the ferry or drive to the Amalfi Coast? To find out more, take a look at our blog!
  • We advise taking the ferry from Salerno to Maiori and then continuing on to Minori if you want to see more Amalfi Coast towns in a short amount of time. It only takes 5 min to travel by ferry from Maiori to Minori.
  • Stop by the Sal De Riso pastry shop in Minori for the best lemon delight you've ever had!

Where to take the ferry from Salerno to Minori?

Usually, ferries to Minori depart from Molo Masuccio in the port of Salerno, near Piazza della Concordia.

There are several services and parking lots within the port area, as well as hotels and restaurants nearby. The railway station is located just a 3-min walk away from the port.

Can I travel on the ferry from Salerno to Minori with a car?

You cannot bring your vehicle on the ferry to Minori from Salerno. However, you can make use of the paid parking lots close to the port of Salerno.

Ferry luggage

Each ferry company traveling from Salerno to Minori has its own baggage allowance policy. More specifically:

  • On Travelmar ferries, each passenger can carry up to 1 piece of luggage with a maximum size of 45x35x20 cm. For any extra luggage, an additional cost is applied.
  • On Grassi Junior ferries you can bring your luggage on board by paying an additional fee of €2.


Given the short duration of the Salerno - Minori route, there are no cabins on the vessels.

Pet travel

You can travel with your pet on Salerno - Minori ferries. In order to be allowed on board, all pets should hold a ticket (costs €5). 

For more information on the documents and conditions required to travel with your pet, we recommend contacting the company you travel with.

Book ferry tickets from Salerno to Minori online

You can easily book Minori ferry tickets on Ferryhopper. Find all available ferry crossings on our Map of Ferries, compare schedules and prices, and book your ferry to Minori from Salerno without hidden fees!