Ferry from Ischia to Positano

Tickets, Prices & Schedules

There are seasonal ferry connections from the island of Ischia to Positano on the Amalfi Coast. Find all the information you need about the Ischia - Positano ferry route and book ferry tickets online on Ferryhopper!

Ferry schedules

Ischia Positano Trip frequency: Every day First trip: 16:20 Last trip: 16:20 Average duration: 1h 50m Price range: 25.40 € - 25.40 €
Positano Ischia Trip frequency: Every day First trip: 08:50 Last trip: 08:50 Average duration: 2h Price range: 25.40 € - 25.40 €
Ferry companies ALILAURO

Is there a ferry from Ischia to Positano?

Ferry connections from Ischia to Positano are available from June to September. The ferry company Alicost usually operates the route once per day.

Please note that ferry timetables are subject to change. You can find real-time schedules and ferry ticket prices from Ischia to Positano on Ferryhopper.

What’s the ferry schedule from Ischia to Positano?

Hydrofoils usually depart around 16:20 and reach Positano at about 17:50.

Ferry Tickets, Offers & Discounts

How much is the ferry from Ischia to Positano?

Ferry prices from Ischia to Positano are approximately €25.


Discover the best available offers for your trip to Positano on Ferryhopper. Find real-time information about our ferry routes in Italy, compare fares and offers, and book your ferry tickets on Ferryhopper without hidden fees​​​​​​.


Children up to 3 years old travel for free, while there are year-round discounts for those up to the age of 12. Some companies also provide reduced fares for large groups.

Ferry route info

How long is the ferry ride from Ischia to Positano?

Ferry duration from Ischia to Positano is about 1 hr 30 min.

Is there a high-speed ferry from Ischia to Positano?

The ferry route from Ischia to Positano is only operated by hydrofoils.

What's the distance between Ischia and Positano?

The distance between the island of Ischia and the port of Positano is about 29 nautical miles (approximately 53 km).

Ferry Trip Tips

Useful tips for your ferry trip to Positano from Ischia

Here are some travel tips for your trip from Ischia to Positano:

  • Strong winds may disrupt ferry services. You can contact the company you are traveling with to check if there are any changes to your ferry trip schedule.
  • Add our Positano travel guide to your reading list and make the most of your trip!
  • From Positano, you can easily travel by ferry to other beautiful destinations on the coast. Take advantage of the available ferry connections and discover 5 beautiful villages on the Amalfi Coast.
  • Ferry connections between Ischia and the Amalfi Coast are also available to and from the port of Amalfi.   

Where to take the ferry from Ischia to Positano

Ferries from Ischia to Positano depart from Ischia Porto, the lively main town and most important port of the island. The port is located on the northeast coast of Ischia.

Can I travel on the ferry from Ischia to Positano with a car?

Hydrofoils operating between Ischia and Positano do not carry vehicles.

Ferry Luggage

The ferry company Alicost allows you to carry 1 piece of luggage up to 50x35x20 cm and weighing up to 9 kg for free.


Ferries from Ischia to Positano do not have cabins.

Pet travel

Pets are welcome on ferries traveling to Positano from Ischia. Therefore, you can safely travel with your pet, which must be included in the booking.

As pet policies and amenities may vary, make sure to contact the company you’re traveling with for additional information.

Book cheap ferry tickets from Ischia to Positano

On Ferryhopper, you can book your ferry tickets to Positano from Ischia hassle-free! Find real-time information about ferries to Positano on our Map of ferries and plan your trip!